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Q: What plant has network veins?
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What is a vascular and non-vascular plants?

a vascular plant is a plant with veins. A non vascular plant does not have veins

What kind of venation does the leaf of a money plant have?

money plant have parallel venation

A plant that has green veins and crossed with a plant with red veins.What percentage of offspring will have red veins?

the answer is 75% will have red veins

What type of root system would you expect to find in a plant with broad leaves with a network of veins and a woody stem?

tap root system.

What plant has leaves with veins?

Elm has pinnate veins.

What plant has leaves with pinnate veins?

Elm has pinnate veins.

What is the plant with netlike leaf veins?

Plant not having tap root are miten found with parallel lead veins.

Does a cornstalk have parallel or netted veins?

A cornstalk plant has parallel veins.

How are the the veins of a plant similar to the veins in a humans body?

They both carry, or transport blood or nutrients to where the body or plant needs.

What is fine network of lines on the undersurface of a leaf?

The fine network of lines on the undersurface of a leaf are called Veins. The water and minerals go to every part of the leaf through these Veins.

What do veins do for a plant?

they carry the water and its sugars through the plant.

What is a leaf skeletonizer?

The network of veins is the leaf skeleton