

What plant is green and goes with ivy?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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it is green by like cloraphil or whatever is in it but I'm not sure why it goes with ivy...

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Q: What plant is green and goes with ivy?
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A climbing plant with shiny leaves?

One example of a climbing plant with shiny leaves is the English ivy (Hedera helix). English ivy is a popular houseplant known for its glossy, dark green leaves and ability to climb walls or fences with aerial roots.

What is an arrowhead ivy?

This is an easy to care for, fast growing plant...can be grown in doors or in a moderate climate. The plant has bold green arrow head or heart shaped leaves that grow the same as a traditional ivy. Easy to root

What is the itchy wild green leaves plant?

Those would be poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac.

Is the color ivy considered to be white?

No, ivy is green, usually a mid tone green.

Is the green and white vinca vine sold as an accent plant in spring a one season annual or a cold hardy groundcover plant like ivy or periwinkle?

Vinca and periwinkle are the same plant.

What color poison ivy?

Green. It is brown when dead. The thing that distingunguishes it as poison ivy is the number of leaves, not the color. As the saying goes, " Leaves of three, leave it be." Poison ivy has a chemical(urishol) that gives most ppl a rash when they touch it.

Is poison ivy vascular?

Yes, poison ivy is vascular. It is a flowering plant that belongs to the family Anacardiaceae, which includes other plants like poison oak and poison sumac. These plants have specialized tissues for transporting water and nutrients throughout their stems and leaves.

What does the color ivy look like?

The color ivy is a dark shade of green that is similar to the color of leaves on an ivy plant. It is typically a deep, rich green hue with hints of blue or black undertones.

What happens to the green in a plant when an animal consumes it?

it comes out the way its goes in

Is it harmful to burn the ivy plant?

Yes, burning ivy can release toxins that can be harmful if inhaled. It is best to dispose of ivy through other means such as composting or throwing it away.