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There are 8 planets in the Solar System. (There use to be 9 total planets in the Solar System) The planet that is tilted on its side at 98 degrees is Uranus.

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3d ago

A sunflower is known for turning its head to face the sun, a behavior known as heliotropism. It is common for sunflowers to tilt or lean in different directions, but not typically to the precise angle of 98 degrees.

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What is tilted with respect to the sun and the orbits of other planets?

Planet Uranus, it is tilted on its side by 98 degrees.

What planet is tilted with respect to the sun and orbits of other planets?

Planet Uranus, it is tilted on its side by 98 degrees.

How did uranus get tilted on its side?

Uranus is tilted on its side because of violent impact that knocked Uranus off kilter some time ago. Uranus is tilted by 98 degrees.

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Uranus. It is tilted on its side by 98 degrees.

What planet is tilted 98 degrees from the path of its orbit?

Uranus is unusual in that it has an axial tilt of around 98 degrees, meaning that in on its side in relation to its orbit around the sun.

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Uranus, one of the four gas giants. Its tilted on its side by 98 degrees.

What planet is tilted on its side and rotates around the sun?

This must be Uranus. "On its side" isn't a very scientific way of putting it. It means that the planet's axis is tilted at about 90 degrees (98 degrees actually) from the perpendicular to its orbital plane.

What planet spins on it's side as it orbits the sun?

Uranus - its axial tilt of 98 degrees means that it is tilted on its side as it orbits the sun.

Which planet is tilted on its side as it orbits the sun?

The planet Uranus is tilted "on its side" about 98 degrees to the orbital plane. But all planets in our solar system have some tilt to the side, including Earth which tiles about 23 degrees. (Mercury's tilt is very small.)

What planet is tilted 98 degrees?

Uranus. However, one annoying fact is that Uranus's axis is tilted 98 degrees to its plane of rotation. This means that its so-called north pole is actually directed more closely to what we would call "south" in the solar system than to "north." So arguably, Uranus's rotation is opposite to the rotation of all the other planets (except for Venus), but apparently astronomers don't choose to define it that way. So instead of saying that Uranus is tilted 82 degrees and rotates backwards, they say that it is tilted 98 degrees and rotates forward

What planet orbits the sun on it's side?

With an axial tilt of about 98 degrees (compared to the Earth's 23.4), Uranus appears to be lying on its side.

Which planet goes round the sun on its side?

Uranus, one of the four gas giants. It is tilted on its side by 98 degrees. This is thought to have been a result from a collision long ago in the early solar system.