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Q: What plants existed 20 million years ago?
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When did the dinosaurs existed?

16 million years ago approximately

Were seeds made before dinosaurs existed?

Plants with seeds first evolved 385 million years ago. That was more than 150 million years before dinosaurs evolved 231.4 million years ago.

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Protoceratops is older, having existed between 75 and 71 million years ago. Triceratops existed at the very end of the Mesozoic, from 68 million years ago to the extinction event 65.5 million years ago.

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Dinosaurs existed from 231 million to 65 million years ago. So, yes, dinosaurs existed for 166 million years.

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What type of plants existed the same time the pterodactyls did?

Pterodactylus existed between 150.8 to 148.5 million years ago, during the Tithonian stage of the late Jurassic. Plants that existed back then include conifers, cycads, ferns, horsetails, and ginkgoes.

When did plants evolve?

Plants in the sea evolved about 3,600 million years ago. The first algal scum on land about 1,200 million years ago, The first first land plants appeared around 450 million years ago in the Ordovician period.

Where dinosaurs real years and years ago?

Yes 185-65 million years ago the dinosaurs existed. So yes, 65 million years ago the dinosaurs were real.

What year was it 85 years ago?

There was no years 85 million years ago. Man made up the idea of years, dates, or time. The dinosaur existed 65 million years ago.

What is the difference between Pangea and Rodinia?

Rodinia is a supercontinent that existed between 1300 - 600 million years ago. Pangea is a supercontinent that existed between 360 - 245 million years ago.