

What plants have no stem?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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what is the plants have no stem

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Q: What plants have no stem?
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Plants grown for stem in Alberta?

There are no plants in Alberta that are grown for "stem."

Why do plants have a hard stem?

A woody stem

What plants can you eat the stem?

Rubarb stem

What plants that grows from stem?

Woody plants.

Pictures of plants that grow from stem?

To find pictures of plants that grow from stems you can type that description into Google Images. The rose is one plant that can grow from a stem.

Why are stem hairs important to plants?

Stem hairs are important to plants for a few reasons. These stem hairs both help protect the plant and transport essential nutrients and water.

What plants reproduce by stem cutting?

Plants that have a stem with a tip (aka shot, sucker, twig) or a node, can be taken from the parent plant and rooted. This is a form of asexual reproduction or cloning. The requirement is a stem. With plants such as daffodils, tulips and such, the preferred asexual proprogation is bulb splitting.Plants that have a stem with a tip (aka shot, sucker, twig) or a node, can be taken from the parent plant and rooted. This is a form of asexual reproduction or cloning. The requirement is a stem. With plants such as daffodils, tulips and such, the preferred asexual proprogation is bulb splitting.

Do plants have stem cells?

Yes, plants do have stem cells called meristematic cells. These cells are found in areas of growth, such as the tips of roots and shoots, and are responsible for generating new tissues throughout the plant's life.

What tissue do plants have in their stem?


What plants have long and weak stem?

Pumpkin is a plant that has a long weak stem.

Why the stem of aquatic plants weak?

as the flowing water make the stem weaks

Why do plants need stems?

the stem is how they get their water and the cycle produces