

What plants have spines?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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14y ago

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No not true. Spines on plants are sharp needle like that protect the plants from any harm. I think cacti have spines

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Q: What plants have spines?
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Do cactuses have spines?

No, not all cactuses have spines. Some cactus plants have many more than others. Some have longer or shorter, finer or thicker spines. Some have white spines, some colored. And some don't have any spines at all.

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Yes, and thorns.

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What are cacti thorns useful for?

Cactus spines prevent moisture loss from plants. Spines also defend the plants from grazing animals. The spines are just modified leaves.

What type of plant lives in a desert and has sharp spines?

Cacti live in the deserts of the Americas and many have sharp spines. In Africa there are other plants, euphorbias for example, that resemble cacti but have thorns rather than spines.

Why did the modification of leaves into spines happened?

The process of removal of excess water from the plants.

Give samples of plants with their protective structures?

Thorns, spines (such as those on a cactus), and prickles are examples of protective structures of plants.

What will happen if desert plants have leaves in the place of thorns?

The vast majority of desert plants do have leaves and few have only spines.