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a clear plastic table cloth cover

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Q: What plastic needs to be dried before use?
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How long can I use a plastic awning before it needs to be replaced?

A plastic awning can be used until it has worn out and doesn't perform the necessary task it was built to perform.

What use to be used before plastic?

a clear plastic table cloth cover

What did Australia use before newspaper in the 1700s?

Dried vegatables mixed with dingo dung.

What are plastic envelopes used for?

Plastic envelopes are used for a lot of things. you can use them to prevent leakage for something that is wet and needs mailing. You can use them to protect pictures or paintings.

What would you use to measure the mass of a slice of cucumber before and after it as dried?

A triple beam balance

When a floppy disk needs to be formatted?

Before use it..

How do you remove acrylic medium gloss out of carpet?

If it has dried, use mineral oil. This will leave a greasy stain in the carpet, so then use a degreaser...but the mineral oil will break up the plastic and get it out of the carpet.

How long can I use a mixer before it needs to be replaced?

You can usually use them for a few years before wear starts to take its toll.

Before people had paper what did they use?

Several used materials in the past: papyrus, parchment, dried clay, copper foils, etc.

Why do you use plastic for gutters?

why do we use plastic for gutters

Can you use acrylic paints on plastic?

You can use acrylic paint on plastic provided you prepare the surface first. Before you begin painting you will have to prime it with paint that is suitable for plastic, such as an enamel paint. Once you have finished painting with the acrylic paint, the project will need a top coat.

Can you glue air dried clay to a kiln dried pot?

Yes, use epoxy.