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Chloroplasts are found in plants to facilitate photo synthesis.

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Q: This is a plastid with chlorophyll in plants that photosynthesize?
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What is a plastid with chlorophyll in plants that photosynthesize?

The most common plastids that are known for containing color pigments are chloroplasts. They contain chlorophyll, which is a type of green pigment.

What are the pigments that plants use?

Chlorophyll, they use it for photosynthesis.

Why do green plants photosynthesise?

Green plants photosynthesize to create energy. They are green due to chlorophyll.

What are the reactants that plants use when they photosynthesize?

Its Either Blood, Iron, Chlorophyll, Or Cellulose .

What helps the plants to use sunlight?

Chlorophyll found in the chloroplasts in the plant cells helps the plants photosynthesize.

Why is chlorophyll only found in plants?

chlorophyll converts light into energy in the process of photosynthesis. As animals or bacteria etc. do not photosynthesize, they don't need chlorophyll.

Why is it that generally the leaves of plants is color green?

Because plants use chlorophyll to photosynthesize energy from solar radiation and chlorophyll is a bad absorber of light's green wavelengths.

Is jew's ears a fungi?

Yes, Jew's Ear is a fungi. It does not have a green pigment called chlorophyll, which allows it to photosynthesize. Only plants can photosynthesize. Therefore, it is a fungi.

Does a leaf have chlorophyll?

All leaves that photosynthesize have chlorophyll.

All chloroplast are plastid but not plastid are chloroplast?

All chloroplasts are plastids because chloroplasts are plastids containing chlorophyll. But, all plastids are not chloroplasts because only those plastid that contains chlorophyll are chloroplasts.

Do coloured leaves like croton make their own food?

Yes, because there are different colored chlorophyll. Plants use chlorophyll to photosynthesize in the presence of sunlight.

Do plants and animals both have plastid?

Animals cells do not have plastid but plants do.