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Q: What plate boundary is along the west part of California?
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What is the name of the part of the plate boundary that passes through California?

actually it is not a plate boundary it is a fault a strike slip fault -les bois student014

What are the two tectonics plates in California?

The Southern part of California is on the Pacific plate and the Northern part of California is on the North American plate.

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What type of plate boundary is California?

The Pacific plate is on the left and The North American plate is on the right. The Pacific plate is moving in a northwesterly direction while the North American plate is moving Southwest This is a conservative plate boundary where pressure is being built up and at any point one plate can jerk and release all this energy in the form of shockwaves.

What type of plate boundary occurs along the west part of California?

San Andreas Fault. The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault that extends roughly 1,200 kilometers (750 mi) through California. It forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate, and its motion is right-lateral strike-slip (horizontal). By Donovan Lopez

What tectonic plate is Nigeria on?

South Africa is on what is known as the African plate, which is sometimes called the Nubian plate. Part of Africa is on what is known as the Somali plate, and South Africa lies along part of the boundary.

What type of plate boundary creates a deep ocean trench along the edge of a continent?

the top part of the boundary it creates the the deep ocean trench along with the edge of a continent......:D

What part of the United States has a plate boundary running through it?

The far west coast, along California, is the location of a famous plate boundary known as the San Andreas Fault. This fault is a transform fault boundary, meaning that the Pacific plate to the west and the North American plate to the east rub against each other in a parallel motion but don't create new lithosphere or destroy old lithosphere. This fault is the reason for all the large and small earthquakes in the California area, including the San Francisco earthquake of 1906.

Which convergent plate boundary forms when two oceanic plates collide?

A DESTRUCTIVE or CONVERGENT plate boundary. e.g. Japan and the Pacific Ocean A DIVERGENT plate boundary is one in which the tectonic plates are separating/. e.g. The Mid-Atlantic ridge. A TRANSFORM plate boundary is one were the plates slide past each other. e.g. part of the San Andreas fault in California.

Explain why there is no clearly define boundary between the Pacific plate and the North American plate?

There is a clearly defined boundary. Part of that boundary is called the San Andreas Fault.

What kind of Plate boundary is in japan?

Japan is at the meeting place of four tectonic plates: The Pacific Plate, The Eurasian Plates, The Philippine Plate, and the Okhotsk Plate (sometimes considered part of the North American Plate).

What type of plate boundary is the Fiji region part of?
