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There are eight plates surrounding the Pacific Plate. They are the North American Plate, Eurasian Plate, Philippine Plate, Australian-Indian Plate, Antarctic Plate, Nazca Plate, Cocos Plate, and the Juan de Fuca Plate.

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9y ago
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10y ago

The plates that surround the Pacific Ocean include:

  • The Eurasian Plate
  • The Indian-Australian Plate
  • The Pacific Plate
  • The North American Plate
  • The South American Plate
  • The Cocos Plate
  • The Juan de Fuca Plate
  • The Nazca Plate
  • The Philippine Plate
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15y ago

North American, Cocos, Nazca, South American, Antarctic, Australian, and Phillipine plates.

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11y ago

The plates that you used for dinner the other night.


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14y ago

The major plates surrounding the Pacific Plate are: Juan de Fuca, Cocos, North American, Nazca, Antarctic, Australian, and Philippine.

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11y ago

Pacific Ring of Fire

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What collides with plate boudaries?

Other plates.

Why do a large number of earthquake happen on the ring of fire?

The "Ring of Fire" is located at the borders of the Pacific Plate and other major tectonic plates (huge pieces of the Earth's crust). As the Pacific Plate subducts (collides with and slides under other plates) with other nearby plates, the plates melt into magma and produces earthquakes and volcanoes. The Ring of Fire is responsible for about 90% of the world's earthquakes and 80% of the world's strongest earthquakes.

What cased Japan's earthquake?

This is because Earth's plates collides together, rubs or go onto each other causing Earthquakes to happen. Please do not misunderstand this as the Pacific Ring of Fire as Japan is located in Asia continent, not in the Pacific area.

Which of these is an area around the Pacific Ocean where the Pacific plate is moving against several other tectonic plates?

Ring of Fire

How is the pacific different from the other plates?

the pacific plate is the biggest plate in the world!

Are the pacific plates and the antarctic plates moving towards each other or away from each other or past each other?

the plates are moving away from each other.

Why are there more volcanoes and earthquakes in the ring of fire than any where else?

The ring of fire is the result of activity around the edges of the Pacific Plate, which moves faster than other other tectonic plates. As it pushes against other plates tension builds up and is released as earthquakes.

What plates cause Mauna Loa to erupt?

Mauna Loa is on the Pacific Plate. It is not near any other plates.

What two tectonic plates border each other along the coast of California?

Pacific plate (oceanic) and North America plate (continental)

What happens when tectonic plates push against?

It could either cause Spreading boundaries (when the plates move apart), collision boundaries (Where one plate collides with the other forcing one underground- can cause volcano's, or transform boundaries (When plates scrape along side each other- causing Earthquakes.

What is the large plate and how is it different from all the other plates?

The Pacific plate is the largest of all,consisting of 20 percent of the Earth's crust. All of these plates, with the exception of the Pacific plate, contain both continental and ocean crust. Smaller plates include the Caribbean and Arabian plates.

How did the Ring of Fire form?

The Ring of Fire is formed by the movement of Earth's crustal plates which are causing the Pacific Ocean to be subducted under less dense plates. This subduction results in underwater and continental volcanism, resulting in a line of eruptions which appear around its boundaries with other plates.