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There is no single answer that fits everyone but among the more common answers that fit most people:

God promotes love and family

God promotes a moral order that is opposed to chaos

God promotes justice; standing up for the weak, the poor and the oppressed

God promotes authority for those control freaks that want to be dictators

God is seen as a source of miracles such as healing

God is seen as a Santa Claus or as a servant to mankind

In other words, most people only know God in terms of who they wish God to be.

Likewise, those who reject God's reign are in reality rejecting a common understanding of God. For example, they may be rejecting the dictatorial God of the control freaks or they may be rejecting the Santa-Claus-like-God because life is too hard for there to be a Santa-Claus-like-God.

Few people approach this subject logically. Regardless of whether they accept or reject God, nearly everyone does so for emotional reasons.

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Q: What points people towards god's reign?
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