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Q: What poison can be produced by microorganisms?
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Chemical produced by bacteria that limits the growth of other bacteria?

You want to talk about antibiotics. By definition it is the substance produced by microorganisms to inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. Most of such chemicals are produced by fungi. Only few like bacitracin are produced by bacteria.

Substances that are naturally produced by certain microorganisms that can inhibiit or destroy other microorganisms are called?


What Proteins we get from microorganisms?

We don't get any special proteins from microorganisms. What we get is vitamin K which is produced from a bacteria called E.coli and which lives in our intestine.

What is the medical term meaning poison produced by an organism?

The medical term for poison produced by an organism is "toxin."

When a solution is free from soluble products produced by microorganisms it is said to be?

pyrogen free

What is the poison produced by an imperfect fungus called?

The poison produced by an imperfect fungus is known as a mycotoxin. These toxins can be harmful to humans and animals if ingested or inhaled. Examples of mycotoxins include aflatoxin and ochratoxin.

What is a poison produced by some pathogens that harms the body's cells that starts with a t?

One example of a poison produced by some pathogens that harms the body's cells is tetanus toxin. This toxin is produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetani and can cause muscle rigidity and spasms by interfering with neurotransmitter release.

What is aflotoxin?

A food poison, caused by the toxin produced from the yellow mold, aspergillus flavus.

What was the last song poison produced?

'The Last Song' is a song by American hard rock group Poison. It was the second single from their 'Power To The People album' which was released in 2000.

How is protease produced?

Proteases are enzymes that are produced by animals, plants, and microorganisms. Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi are common sources of commercial protease production, as they are often easier to culture in large quantities. Industrial processes use fermentation techniques to scale up protease production efficiently.

Which company produces a perfume called Poison?

The perfume Poison is produced by Dior. The award-winning perfume was first launched in 1985 by the house of Dior and it was created by Edouard Flechier.

What is the solid waste produced by a sewage called?

The solid waste produced by sewage is called sludge. It is a semisolid material that contains a mixture of organic and inorganic matter, as well as bacteria and other microorganisms.