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Type your answer here... They wanted to keep an "open door" trade policy.

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Q: What policy did Taft and roosevelt want to keep with china?
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What policy did the Ming dynasty adopt in attempt to keep china safe?

They built the Great Wall of China.

The Open Door policy was a US' effort to keep trade in what country open to all nations?

China keep China open to U.S. trade.

What was the point of John Hay's Open Door policy?

The policy proposed to keep China open to trade with all countries on an equal basis.

What was the open door policy designed to?

to gain equal trade rights for American commerce in china -To keep trade open in China

The Open Door policy was an attempt to?

It was an attempt to keep trade open in China open to all nations.

Why did some people in china consider the 1 child policy a good idea?

to keep the bursting population in control

Why did Woodrow Wilson win the election of 1912?

Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party split the Republican.

What policy did U.S president Franklin Roosevelt use to keep the U.S from entering World War 2?

He used the policy of isolationism. This stopped the U.S.A from involving itself in other countries problems or benefits.

What is the Two China Policy?

During the cold war, and possibly even today, there were TWO CHINAS. Red China (On the Mainland) and Nationalist China (Taiwan). The titles of these countries keep changing, so it is difficult to know whom is whom.

How does China control population growth?

The Chinese government introduced one-child policy in 1979 to alleviate the social and environmental problems of China. The one-child policy promotes couples having one child in rural and urban areas. It should really be called the "one birth policy" because parents are allowed to keep twins, triplets, etc.

What happens to the country with one child policy?

Nothing happens the government stick to there plans, if you have two children (twins) and there both male you can keep them if one is female she will be killed/drowned ect...... This is calledf One Child Policy in China

Was the Great Wall built to keep people in China?

No, it was built to keep the Huns out of China