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Q: What political effects do tornadoes have on people?
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What are the Political effects of tornadoes?

the political effects are where the goverment is damaged by the outcome of the tornado.

What effects do tornadoes have on people and animals?

Tornadoes can destroy the homes of people and animals and can kill or injure them.

What are the effects on humans from tornadoes?

Tornadoes can damage or destroy people's property and can kill or injure the people themselves.

What are the effects and concerns of a tornado?

Tornadoes cause major property damage and often kill and injure people. The main concerns regarding tornadoes are these effects and warning people when a tornado is coming.

What causes and effects do tornadoes make?

tornadoes do a lot of damage. it can leave people in devistation, cost a lot of money and kill people.

Do tornadoes affect people?

Yes. Tornadoes have a number of effects on people. The damage people's property, cause power outages, damage businesses, block roads, and kill and injure people.

What are tornadoes effects on people?

they can destroy homes or buildings or fields or cars and they can kill you.

What physical effects do tornadoes have on people?

In addition to damaging and destroying property, tornadoes can kill or injure the people themselves. This is mainly due to flying and falling debris in the tornado.

What effects do tornadoes have on the environment?

Tornadoes are part of our environment but they also destroy our environment like houses, roads, and forests!Tornadoes have very destructive effects on the environment because they spread pollution from people's houses and debris flies everywhere. If people weren't around tornadoes might not have such bad effects. Tornadoes would kill trees and plants and animals but all those decompose. It would give a chance for new plants and animals to populate an area everytime a tornado hit the area.

What are the effects of tornado?

Tornadoes can damage or destroy buildings and vegetation and can kill or injure people and animals.

What are some of the causes and effects of tornadoes?

There are many harmful effects on tornadoes but a couple of examples are destruction of homes, land, and necessities that apply to people. The causes of these natural disasters are the high wind speeds and the location where it strikes.

What are long term effects of tornadoes?

Long terms effects of tornadoes include the financial burdens from the damage and the cost of rebuilding, people choosing to move away rather than rebuild, the loss of people who are killed, disabilities from physical injuries, and psychological trauma.