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Q: What political party overthrew the Russian monarchy?
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All of the major UK political parties support a constitutional monarchy.

What political group replaced the czar's monarchy during the Russian Revolution?

The "Provisional Government" replaced Tsarist rule after the February 1917 Russian Revolution. This governmental body claimed it had the only legitimate authority in Russia once the Tsar abdicated, because many of its members had been members of the Duma, the Russian form of Parliament under the Tsar. The Provisional Government proved to be as useless and unpopular as the Tsar it had replaced and was itself removed by Lenin and his Bolsheviks several months later in the October Revolution of 1917. The Bolsheviks were not much better at governing, but they were better at maintaining power by the use of force and terror.

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Parliamentary Representative democratic monarchy is the type of government... i dont know what you mean by political party

Why was Lenin Vladimir important?

He was the leader of the Bolshevik Party, which overthrew Czar Nicholas II and his reign of tyranny. Reality checK: The Czar had been deposed in March of 1917. Lenin overthrew that government, not the monarchy of Czar Nicholas.

What was the new political party in Russia?

The last of 120+ of political parties in Russian Federation.

What Russian political party was renamed the communist party?

The Bolsheviks, who originated from a split in the Social-Democrats.

Who was the leader of the Russian Fascist Revolution?

There are three possible answers to this question because there were (at least) three political parties that could be deemed "socialist revolutionaries. First is the Bolshevik Party. Vladimir Lenin was the chief leader. Second is the Menshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. Julius Martov was the chief leader of that party. Third is the Party of the Socialist Revolutionaries. Victor Chernov was the chief leader of that party. Most likely this question refers to the Bolshevik Party under Vladimir Lenin, since it is the political party which overthrew the Russian Provisional Government (not the Tsar) in the October Revolution and later became the Communist Party.

Which political party was responsible for the Russian october revolution of 1917?


What is norways form of government?

Norway is a democracy. it is also a monarchy, but the king is not in charge. norwegians vote for a political party they want and the leader of that party becomes the prime minister. How ever all political partys make desitions together.

Which Russian political party was defeated by the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution?

The Uzbehkistan Court of Liberty

What did the political party of Alexander Kerensky stand for?

Alexander Kerensky was a member of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. It was involved in the Russian Revolution.

What was the Bolshevik Party?

The word Bolshevik means in Russian "majority", they formed as a group at the 1903 Russian Social Democratic Labour Party conference in London. They were the radical Marxists while the Mensheviks, "minority", were the moderates. The Bolsheviks were lead by Lenin and grew to a considerable size in 1917. In October, November by our calendar, of 1917 they overthrew the Menshevik government which came to power in the Febuary Revolution and was in the eyes of the majority of Russian workers not much better than the Tsar. After the Russian Civil War, the Bolsheviks (now the Communist Party) started to see the party become a bureacratic nightmare, Lenin tried to reverse this but he died with most of the leaders of the party ignoring his calls for radical reform.