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The pollution caused by farms can be broaken down by the medium it pollutes:


* Odours * Ammonia * Dusts Water:

* Runoff containing * ** Fertilizer ** Pesticides ** fecal matter ** Ammonia ** Silt ** Nitrates/Nitrites * Groundwater containing * ** Nutrients ** Pesticides ** Hydrocarbon (fuel) Solid Waste:

* Animal manure * Dead animals * Fertilizer etc.Bags * Twines * Equipment * Used tires

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3d ago

Farms can contribute to air pollution through the release of ammonia and methane from livestock waste, as well as dust from tilling fields and harvesting. Water pollution can result from runoff of fertilizers, pesticides, and manure into nearby water bodies, leading to contamination and eutrophication. Agricultural activities can also contribute to soil pollution through the use of chemicals and improper waste disposal practices.

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