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Q: What portion of an iceberg melts faster the part above the water or the part that is submerged?
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Is the underwater portion of an iceberg bigger than the portion that is visible above water?

The underwater portion of an iceberg IS bigger than the portion that is visible above water.

How is diversity like an iceberg?

The Cultural Iceberg (English) When we see an iceberg, the portion which is visible above water.

What fraction of on iceberg is under water?

Typically, about 90% of an iceberg is underwater, while only about 10% is visible above the surface. This is because ice is less dense than seawater, causing most of the iceberg to remain submerged.

Does ice go below freezing temp?

The average density of pure ice is about 920 kg/m³. The average density of seawater is about 1025 kg/m³. By Archimedes's principle, the mass of the seawater displaced (i.e. the amount of the iceberg underwater) should equal the mass of the iceberg. Using that principle, for each 1 m³ of seawater displaced it takes 1025 kg of ice - which will have a volume of 1025 kg x 1 m³/920 kg = 1.114 m³. In other words, 1m³ of the iceberg is submerged for every 1.114 m³ of iceberg. 1/1.114 = 0.89756 So, on average about 90% of the iceberg is submerged. If the seawater is a little less salty, more of the iceberg is submerged. If the iceberg is "dirty" - with stuff in it that is more dense than ice, more of the iceberg is submerged. If the iceberg has voids (air pockets) it will be less dense and less of the iceberg is submerged.

What percentage of an iceberg can be seen above water?

typically only one-tenth of the volume of an iceberg is above water.

What is wrong with the sentence The submarine was submerged above the water?

The word submerged means it was under water instead of above the water.

What happens if the part of an iceberg that extends above the water was removed?

You would never be able to remove all of the iceberg that is above the water. Taking off a piece will cause the iceberg to get lighter and more of it would be above water.

What does the word iceberg literally mean?

Lettuce tell you ;) It is a large piece of ice that has broken off a glacier where only a portion of the piece is able to be seen above water.I shall use it in the sentence:The iceberg struck the Titantic sinking it and killing most aboard!What_does_the_word_iceberg_literally_mean

The part of an iceberg which is below water is about seven times the size of the part above water What fraction of the iceberg is above water?

1/8 is.

Is one half of iceberg above water?

1/8 of the iceberg is at the surface while the rest remains. This is an average iceberg (based on titanic)

How deep was the iceberg the titanic crashed?

Remembering that only about a tenth of any iceberg is above the water, Titanic'sberg was about 96 feet above sea level.

What size was the iceberg that sunk the Titanic?

The exact size of the iceberg will probably never be known, but according to early newspaper reports the height and length of the iceberg was approximated at 50 to 100 feet high and 200 to 400 feet long. However, these dimensions only relate to the estimated size above water. Around 85% of an iceberg is below water. Therefore multiplying the estimates you have an iceberg with a volume of between 810,00 and 3,240,000 square feet.I'm not sure what you're asking so I'm going to interpret it as "when the Titanic struck and iceberg, how much of that iceberg was above water?". The iceberg that the Titanic struck looked small because only about a ninth (1/9) of the iceberg was above water. In reality, the iceberg was immense, with the rest (8/9) of it underwater. A portion of the berg that was underwater sunk the Titanic.