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A motor neuron is a nerve, specifically it is a nerve that originates in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and ends in its target organ (muscle, gland etc).

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Q: What portion of the motor neuron is in the nerve?
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What Neuron moves impulses from the brain?

I believe its motor nerve cells

What is motor nueron disease?

When nerve damage effects a motor nerve, you have a motor neuron disease. It is also called neuropathy. For information on nerve damage repair go to

What is mixed neuron?

Mixed nerve is a nerve that carry all the motor function, sensory function and the autonomic function in a single fiber. Spinal nerve is the example of the mixed nerve. Some of the Cranial nerve on the other hand is not the mixed nerve as it only has one property which is either sensory or motor function.

What part of the motor neuron carries impulses to the muscle?

The axon, an elongated portion of the neuron, carries impulses to the muscles.

What root of a spinal nerve consists of motor neuron axons?

Ventralventral root

What is the function of a relay neron?

transmission of nerve impulses from the sensory neuron to the motor neuron,located in the central nervous system.

What is the name of a message sent along a nerve?

Neurons. There are 3 main types: Sensory neuron. Relay neuron and... Motor neuron. I hope this answered your question!

An autonomic motor neuron whose cell body lies in the CNS is called a?

This type of nerve is called an efferent autonomic neuron.

Dendrites function in the motor neuron?

To carry the nerve impulse from the CNS to the cell body