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After the abolition of censorship people had freedom for speech , expression and feelings

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Q: What positive changes came in France with the abolition of censorship?
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When was censorship abolished in France?

Last time around, it was when France had been liberated from the Germans in WW2, in 1944.

What rights do people in france enjoy?

In France there are a few different rights people like. The main rights people like is not having censorship laws.

What important revolutions change Europe in the 1700s and 1800s?

In England the agricultural revolution led to massive changes in the organisation and mechanisation of farming. The American revolution had significant consequences for the British Empire and encouraged the French people to believe that tyranny could be challenged. The French Revolution resulted in the abolition of the monarchy and the feudal system in France.

What was the''great fear'' and what did it lead to?

The "Great Fear" is a term for the rumors that preceded the French Revolution and the abolition of feudalism in France.

Which revolutionary government declared the abolition of France's monarchy?

The National Assembly on 21 September 1792.

When does the time change in France?

The time changes in France just like in all countries. It changes by the second.

Who declared the abolition of the France's monarchy?

During the French Revolution, the National Convention declared the abolition of the French monarchy. The First Republic was established through a proclamation on September 21, 1792. King Louis XVI was executed in 1793.

What important law cause into effect soon after the storming of Bastille in france?

After storming the bastille .................there were two laws which came into force .......... 1.abolition of slavery in 1789 summer 2.abolition of fuedal system on 4th august 1789 .....

Is France bordered by water?

Yes, but i don't know which one but I'm positive France does.

What did European monarch fear from France?

The changes that were taking place in France. They worried that peasant revolts similar to the ones in France could break out in their own countries.

What words are spoken in France that are English?

positive is the same

Did any major changes happen in France?

The french revolution