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In most cases they lost everything - their property (including personal possessions), their liberty and their lives.

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Q: What possessions did the Jews get to keep during the Holocaust?
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What possessions did the Jews get to keep during the hocaust?

eventually none.

Why did Jews have to be regisered during the Holocaust?

so that the Nazis could keep track of them.

What technology did they have during the Holocaust?

they used a punch card system which enabled the Nazis to keep track of all the Jews in Europe

What are the Righteous among the Gentiles?

It is a memorial for gentiles who helped Jews during the Holocaust. There are various criteria for people to be declared Righteous among the nations, this does mean that not all of those who did help in some way are included; but it is a celebration of the greatest side of humanity.

Did it snow during the Holocaust?

Yes, which made the winters horrible for Jews in the Ghettos and concentration camps, since they didn't have proper clothing to keep warm.

Why did Sweden stay neutral during the halliscaust?

The Swedes did not stay neutral during the Holocaust. They took in hundreds of Jews from Denmark to keep them from being taken by the Germans. Jews also fled to Sweden if they had the means and ways to get there prior to the war and after the war started. The Jews went anywhere they could get to if they could.

What reaction did the Jews have to dehumanization?

Dehumanisation was not one of the worst assaults that the Jews had to endure during the Holocaust. It is a common tool used by governments, not only for prison populations, but also in the armed services. the best chance they had for survival was to 'keep their heads down' and be unexceptional, by merging into the crowd, dehumanisation was an aid to that.

What country did the holocaust happen?

It happened in Geramany. Hitler used to keep the Jews and gypsies in concentrated camp and kill them their.They call it a final solution.

What was the concentration camp for the holocaust for?

To keep the Jews contained and to kill them through many methods, infact they did things you could not imagine to them, but if you by medicine or get surgery thank the Nazis.

Did religion keep the people together during the Holocaust?

yes many of the army/ss/police units had pastors with them to help them through it___The German armed forces in the Nazi period did not have chaplains or pastors.------er, yes they did. Granted not all units did, but then again religion was discouraged._____'... religion was discouraged', but they had armu chaplains? That doesn't make sense - or at the very least calls for an explalation.

What nazi ideology led to the mass murder if Jews known as the holocaust?

The beleif that white non-Jewish "Aryans" were a superior race.

How many Romanians were killed by Jews?

The underlying supposition of this question, namely that Jews killed Romanians as some sort of ethnic cleansing or similar, is completely incorrect. If anything, Romanians facilitated the killing to Jews during the Holocaust. When Jews killed Romanians during this period it was because Jews who had fled the ghettos and concentration camps had become partisans and were actively fighting the Romanian Army and Security Forces. Since the partisans did not keep detailed plans of their missions, it is difficult to know how many Romanians died in this way. It is likely a marginal number, especially considering Romanian losses to the Russian Red Army.