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As food for a particular species becomes more scarce, often due to overpopulation of said species, it becomes harder for that species to survive. As such, their numbers dwindle. When this species gets to a low enough point, their food source starts to increase, because it's not being eaten as much. This allows the species to thrive, causing an influx of population. This cycle between predator and prey populations is what allows ecosystems to work.

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9y ago
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14y ago

This could be caused by a number of different things. It could be pretador increase or decrease, bad weather, good weather, lack of resources, plenty of resources, and disease. There are more things but this is a good start.

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13y ago

Animals increase their poplation by intercourse ! Resulting in pregnancy and (ultimately) babies being born.

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12y ago

Temperature,availability of food,also availability of mates,it all depends on the food web

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12y ago

sexual reproduction

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14y ago

resource availability

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11y ago

because of bith rate and Death Rate

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isaiah goldsworthy

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3y ago


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isaiah goldsworthy

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Q: What possible causes of a change in the number and type of organism living in the area.?
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there is lot of ecosystem on the bioshpear .ecosystem consist of both living things and nonliving things i.e biotic and abiotic factor . and to survive in the ecosystem there is necessary to keep the relation between both the living organism and non-living organism. and the abundant success of the population is possible due to interrelation between environment and the environmental factor and required favorable material. and the factor which is responsible for the growth of organism is known as limiting factor. suppose if there is certain change occurred in the environment , and this changes is undesirable for survival of living organism . due to this change the no of ecosystem disturber. and this will loss the balance of the environment is known as eco-imbalance,

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