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There are usually fewer side affects from minimally invasive spinal surgery than ordinary spinal surgery, however, there is still a risk of infection, tissue damage and if the operation goes wrong, paralysis.

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Q: What possible side effects can result from minimally invasive spinal surgery?
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How did minimally invasive heart surgery evolve?

Minimally invasive valve surgery has been an outgrowth of the success with minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting.

How are minimally invasive surgery wounds closed?

Many new procedures are minimally invasive and can leave small scars. Either stitches or staples may be used. Minimally invasive surgery is much easier for the patient to recover from.

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What are some possible complications of minimally invasive back surgery?

Minimally invasive back surgery should be a relatively low risk procedure. However, as with any surgery there is always a risk of infection in the wound, or a reaction to the anesthetic. There is also the risk of a DVT developing after surgery should the patient remain immobile for too long.

What is the most common minimally invasive knee surgery?

The most common minimally invasive knee surgery is for meniscus repair and repair of the ligaments. Common patients are those suffering from osteoarthritis.

Should I consult another doctor about minimally invasive surgery that my current doctor wants me to have?

No, if it's a minimally invasive surgery for a small problem that comes with a relatively easy fix then I would just go ahead with the surgery with your current consult.

What are the advantages of minimally invasive surgery?

There are a few advantages of minimally invasive surgery. This method claims to be less painful and less scaring. It's said to have a higher accuracy rate. In addition there is a shorter hospital stay.

What new procedures of minimally invasive heart surgery came in the 1990s?

off-pump CABG (OPCAB) and minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass (MIDCAB).

How invasive is urologic surgery?

Overall urologic surgery is a very invasive surgery because it involves entering the urinary tract through the genitals. Some hospitals are capable of doing minimally invasive procedures.

Is gallbladder removal considered invasive surgery?

Laparoscopic gallbladder removal is minimally invasive surgery. This is the use of robotics to perform surgery. However, gallbladder removal can also be done through a surgical incision. This would be considered invasive surgery.

What is minimally invasive heart surgery?

surgery performed on the beating heart to provide coronary artery bypass grafting. This technique is often referred to as MIDCAB, minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass; or OPCAB, off-pump CABG.

Is laser back surgery less invasive then other surgical methods?

The Google results repeatedly describe this surgery as "minimally invasive", so I think we can reasonably conclude that it is.