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by taking microorganism, microorganisms produce antibodies inside the body. the antibody digest the microorganism, so the pateint get better

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Q: What possible ways could a disease be transmitted to a hospital patient?
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it depends what disease the patient has and how sick that patient is. its different for everyone. if other people are at risk of developing the same life threatening condition, the person is likely to be kept in the hospital.

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____ is/are defined by Medicare as equipment that can withstand repeated use in the patient's home and not in the absence of illness or injury.

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Yes, it is possible for a patient to undergo radioactive iodine ablation and still have a functioning thyroid. If the patient has autoimmune thyroid disease and antibodies have not been addressed, it is possible for a patient in this situation to suffer the rollercoastering effects of antibodies on the remainder of the thyroid gland.

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Inpatient services benefit a hospital the most.

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Under the right conditions, yes, a hospital can keep you from seeing a patient. If the patient is contagious, is undergoing surgery, or is in ICU (which is the most probable reason), a hospital can keep you from seeing a patient.

Can people die from diabetic cellulitis?

In most cases modern medicine techniques and medicines cure cellulitis and save patient. But, in few cases modern medicine can't help organism (if infection spread all over body) to fight against this disease. It is possible but very rarely if patient have access to hospital and antibiotics.

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Hospital confinement is preventing a patient from leaving the hospital.

What are the diseases transmitted by corneal transplantation?

Hepatitis B can be transmitted by corneal transplant. Recently rabies was transmitted by this route and patient died.

Can cancer be transmitted?

No, you can not get cancer from another individual.

What is the expected recovery time in hospital from gastrostomy?

The length of time the patient needs to remain in the hospital depends on the age of the patient and the patient's general health.

Can a hospital have a patient sign a paper to go to hospice even if the patient does not want the hospice?

The hospital can request patient to sign to go to hospice, but can NOT make the patient sign to go to hospice.