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Q: What power did God give man that he did not give Angels?
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What power did God give man that he didnot give Angels?

God gave man the power of freewill =)

Did God give man the power to create wealth and Why?

Did God give man the power? Is it necessary to ask the question? Man creates wealth. Either God gave man the power, or man can take power against God's will. Another alternative is that the power to create wealth is inherent to man as a characteristic of human nature.

If God created the Devil why would He destroy him?

God created Angels, and the Angels were flawed like man is today. The Angel known as Lucifer was one the most powerful Angels. Lucifer got jealous of God's power and wanted it for him self. The ensuing war between God and his Angels against Lucifer and the rogue Angels led to Lucifer's defeat and God banished him from heaven but sent him to rule Hell as a compromise for allowing Lucifer to exist. Lucifer to this day is still jealous of God and hates God for banishing him.

How do you protect angel falls?

When God tested the angels, Lucifer convinced some of the angels to rebel against God. Others stayed loyal to the Lord. This was before creation of man. The angels that stayed loyal to God before can never fall because they have seen God himself who is beautiful and made Heaven a wonderful place. Who would want to leave God for a dreadful place as Hell? The angels of God can never fall because they are pure spiritual being created to serve God. As for the fallen angels they are forever doomed. The angels of God who were loyal are forever blessed!

What was the first musical instrument that god created for man?

I would have to say the voices of His angels.

How was mam made a little lower than the angels?

God is infinitely higher than all other created beings, then comes angels, which have supernatural powers that man does not have, then comes man, who has intellect i.e. "created in the image of God", and lastly comes the animals.

Do angels have sons?

NO! Angels do not have reproductive capabilities. They are spirit beings, each one individually created by God. God, also a spirit being, IS reproducing Himself. He is doing this with man, but according to His plan and in His time frame. According to the Word of God.

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Why are angels important to God and man?

The most important connection any of us can make in life is our connection with angels. Some people want to get to God directly through meditation and prayer, but from my experience, prayer and meditation lead directly to a connection with angels, which then leads us to God. This is because angels are intermediaries to God, and when you pray and meditate, they listen, respond and sometimes intercede.

What walks like a man but has the power of a god?

Jesus! :)

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Who is this god fellow everyone mentions??

What was the name that God called his Son in the bible?

Because no man can actually see God's face and live, Angels are therefore messengers of God - God speaks through the Angels. That being said, read St. Matthew 1:20-21 in the New Testament Blible and you shall find your answer.