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Answer this question… Increasing government spending to create jobs and maintain social welfare programs

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Q: What practices did Franklin D. Roosevelt enact to address the Great Depression?
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which of the following practices did Franklin D. Roosevelt enact to address the Great Depression?

Increasing government spending to create hobs and maintain social welfare programs.

What did US president Franklin D Roosevelt call for in his 1937 inaugural address?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt called for courageous action, treating the Depression as a national emergency like war, and reorganizing the use of national resources.

What did Franklin d Roosevelt enact to address the great depression?

Answer this question… Increasing government spending to create jobs and maintain social welfare programs

Many of the steps taken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to address the economic problems of the Great Depression were?

The steps were taken under congressional delegation of power

Which president said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself?

Franklin D. Roosevelt, during his first inaugural address on March 4,1933, was speaking of the Great Depression, and its effect on the morale of the USA, when he said:"...the only thing we have to fear is fear itself..."

What did Franklin Roosevelt promise in his first inagural address?

i hate you HOE

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Where did Franklin Roosevelt make his first inaugural address?

FDR had his first inauguration on March 4,1933.

What is a fireside chats in the mid 1900s?

It was a recurring radio address from President Franklin Roosevelt.

Who said ''theres nothing to fear but fear itself?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt said in his inaugural address, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself".

Which of the following Presidents increased top marginal income tax rates during his term in office?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt increased the top marginal income tax rates during his term in office. He implemented higher tax rates as part of his New Deal policies to address the Great Depression and fund government programs.

Who said you have nothing to fear but fear itself?

"[...] only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt