

What prayer lists your religious beliefs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Apostles creed

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Apostles Creed

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Q: What prayer lists your religious beliefs?
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It would depend on your religious beliefs, but in many religions you would do it yourself through prayer.

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The Scott's rebelled against the English prayer book because it interfered with their religious beliefs.

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Theology is the study of the nature of God and religious beliefs, while prayer is a practice of communicating with a higher power. Theology informs our understanding of who or what we are praying to, as well as the beliefs and practices that shape our prayers. In turn, prayer can deepen our theological understanding and relationship with the divine by providing a tangible way to embody and reflect on our beliefs.

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In public schools, where there are many different types of people from many different religious backgrounds, school prayer would be inappropriate because there would be no way to cater to everyone's beliefs. However, in a private, religious school where students and parents decide where to send their children, then it is fine.

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