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what precautionary measures are taken to minimize the damage caused by the tsunami

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Q: What precautionary measures are taken there to minimize the damage caused by the tsunami?
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What is more dangerous an earthquake on land or a tsunami caused by an earthquake?

a tsunami

Are tsunami caused by cyclones?

No, tsunami are caused by sub-oceanic earthquakes. High storm surges caused by cyclones (typhoons, hurricanes) can seem tsunami-like, but are not tsunami.

What is a tsunami and how is it caused?

A tsunami is a huge tidal wave caused by an underwater earthquake.

Is a tsunami caused by a hurricane?

no, a tsunami is caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water.

What is an ocean wave caused by an eartquake?


When has a tsunami caused the most damage in US History?

A tsunami caused most damage in 2004

What was the cause of the Japanese tsunami in 2011?

An earthquake caused the tsunami!

How did the Sumatra tsunami occur?

An earthquake caused the Sumatra Tsunami.

Are all the tsunamis over the coasts caused by the tsunami by japan?

yesNo, the Tsunami's were caused by the earthquake in Japan.

What is a huge sea wave caused by undersea earthquake?

a tsunami is a tidal wave caused by an underwater earthquake :]

Why did tsunami hit Japan?

The tsunami hit because of the earthquake shifted the ground and caused the tsunami.

When did Japan earthquake happen before or after the tsunami?

The Earthquake occurred before the tsunami as it is what caused the tsunami.