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Q: What precautions do coastal resident take during periods of low pressure?
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Not to be used by pregnant women, those with high blood pressure, kidney disease, cholestatic liver disorders or cirrhosis. Do not take licorice in large doses for long periods of time.

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Because there is so an diifferent water periods and time dates

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Extreme pressure and geological periods of time are required.

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Pressure does in fact make diamonds. Diamonds are formed when the element carbon is exposed to high pressure and temperatures for extended periods of time.

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Not to be used if a person has a thyroid condition unless under supervision of medical practitioner and only for short periods of time. May cause allergic reaction.

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Wind farms are ideally located in large open areas of land or on and off shore coastal areas where the wind blows steadily for long periods of time.

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The continental shelf is the extended perimeter of each continent and associated coastal plain, and was part of the continent during the glacial periods, but is undersea during interglacial periods such as the current epoch by relatively shallow seas (known as shelf seas) and gulfs.

Why. Is fair weather common during periods of high pressure?

Areas of low pressure usually have cloudy weather. Sinking motion in high-pressure air masses makes it difficult for air to rise and clouds to form. That's why high pressure usually means good weather.

Can you get Uterine cancer?

Uterine cancer is highly treatable if caught fast. Look for Longer/heavier periods than you�۪re accustomed to, Bleeding or discharge between periods, Bleeding or discharge after menopause, Pelvic pain or pressure.

How can you get uterine cancer?

Uterine cancer is highly treatable if caught fast. Look for Longer/heavier periods than you�۪re accustomed to, Bleeding or discharge between periods, Bleeding or discharge after menopause, Pelvic pain or pressure.

Draw a conclusion why is far weather common during periods of high pressure?

Sinking motion in high-pressure air masses makes it difficult for air to rise and clouds to form. That's why high pressure usually means good weather.