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Q: What preccentage of teenage mothers keep their baby?
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What type of teenage girls get abortions?

Girls that do not want to/can't afford to keep their baby.

Teenage pregnancy will you be able to keep your baby?

Of course unless you prove to be a unfit parent. They wont take the baby away just because you are a teenager.

Can you take a baby guinea pig away from there mum at 10days old?

You should keep the baby guinea pigs with their mothers until they are around 3-5 weeks!

What a grizley bear eat?

they eat berries,nuts and fish.(male bears try to eat their cubs but the mothers keep their baby safe.):-)

What advice can be given on teenage pregnancy?

surly he or she would refered to their parents and disscuss the matters and should have to visit doctor for the best advice to keep the baby or not.

How do you clean a baby's penis?

Just wash around it normally. Do NOT try to clean under the foreskin of a baby or indeed any boy. When a teenage boy reaches puberty then is the time to instruct him how to keep it clean.

Do mothers always keep there promises?

Most mothers do keep their promises but sometimes things happen that they can't.

After you pet baby rabbits do the mothers still keep care of them?

Yes they will. They might wait for you to leave if they are wild but they will. The whole human scent thing is fake.

How does a baby bird get out of there mothers body?

The mother hatches an egg The mother lays the eggs, sits on them to keep them warm while incubating, then feeds them when they hatch out.

What is the positivist thought on teenage pregnancies?

there is no bright side of teenage pregnancies but if you have become pregnant you have to decide whether you want to keep the baby or not, and regardless if you do or not the first thing to do is tell someone.l You should tell your parents first. Then maybe they will help you to decide what to do.

You have 1 parrot which started giving eggs and a baby parrot came out so what shall you keep the name of the baby parrot?

It depends on the mothers name you could make it rhyme or kind of sound like it.

Why do some mothers have their baby daughter's ears pierced?

Ear piercing can be very painful, and it can be difficult to keep your head on the pillow the first night, and some mothers can't forget it, so they try to spare their daughters of the same problems.