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First, Diabetes, liver disease, kidney infection and kidney disease all will throw false positives for opiates--so if you fail a drug test because of one of those and you didn't know you had them, you should be glad. Some antibiotics can too, but all the antibiotics that do it have names ending in "oxacin." Also, anything containing Dextromethorphan (this is the active ingredient in many cough syrups) and poppy seeds can throw false positive for opiates.

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12y ago
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11y ago

It depends how in depth the test is. If its the NIDA 5 its testing for opiates and opoids in general so all opiate/opiod pain killers such as hydrocodone(Vicodin), oxycodone(Percocet, Roxycodone, Oxycontin), hydromorphone(Dilaudid), fetanyl, and many others will come up as positive and they alwayse seem to assume heroine. A more in depth opiate test will distinguish between certain opiates/opiods. They can test for Oxycontin, Heroine, Hydrocodone, fetanyl, methadone, and others. I'm not sure if all these in depth opiate/opiod drug tests are all exactly the same in catagory and sensitivity to destinguish. But to answer your question, the in depth opiate test I'm familiar with catagorizes heroine and morphine together and any other opiate comes up in its own specific catagory, but wen I tested positive for heroine I went through every painkiller I'm on and was told morphine is the only opiate to cause a positive for heroine. Everything else I was on was in different or their own catagory. Also fetanyl citrate is sometimes used as a general anesthesia so having surgery can cause positives for the pain killers you were perscribed but they'll sumtimes fail to mention they used another extreamly potent opiod, fetanyl citrate, to put you under. So that's a positive you usualy won't Hav a perscription for. But what are the chances of being tested that soon after having surgery. But the answer to your question is: MORPHINE for an in depth opiate test and for a simple NIDA 5, I've been told even poppy seed muffins can cause a false positive and will require the more in depth test to rule heroine out and the testee usualy has to pay for this exclusiv test to prove ones innocense

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13y ago

Some antibiotics can cause a false positive for heroin drug tests.

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aggrenox that's all i know though

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Basically if there is any heroin in your system it will show up on a UDT. The test is so sensitive that eating foods containing poppy seeds can cause a false positive. This is because the UDT isn't measuring the levels of heroin in your body, but the levels of a heroin metabolite. This metabolite is also a byproduct of poppy seed digestion, hence the false positive.

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