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Q: What presidential action during the civil war contributed most to ending slavery after the war?
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What was Abraham Lincoln's stand on slavery during the presidential campaign of 1860?

he did not want slavery to expand but he was okay for it to remain in the states that it was legal.

Territorial expansion during the first half of the 19th century contributed to?

Increased tensions over slavery

What action did Pennsylvania and Massachusetts take during revolutionary war?

They both abolished slavery

What action did Pennsylvania and Massachusetts take during the Revolutionary War?

They both abolished slavery

What happened to the north after the war?

During the war slavery was abolished by presidential decree. Therefore there were no slaves after the war. Your question is meaningless and therefore unanswerable.

What happened to the north slaves after war?

During the war slavery was abolished by presidential decree. Therefore there were no slaves after the war. Your question is meaningless and therefore unanswerable.

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idek man smoke that sh*t doe??

What is the vice presidential candidate called during the presidential campaign?

The vice presidential candidate is often referred to as the running mate of the presidential candidate during the campaign.

How did Portuguese sailors react to Henry's order about slavery?

Portuguese sailors largely followed Henry's order about slavery, as he encouraged the capture of slaves during expeditions to Africa. This directive contributed to the growth of the Portuguese slave trade and the establishment of a system of forced labor in their colonies.

How did Sojourner Truth help stop slavery?

Sojourner Truth was an abolitionist and women's rights activist who advocated for the end of slavery through her speeches and writings. She is best known for her famous "Ain't I a Woman?" speech, which highlighted the struggles faced by African American women during that time. Truth's work helped bring attention to the inhumane practices of slavery and contributed to the eventual abolition of slavery in the United States.

What was their slogan against slavey during James Buchanan's presidential term?

During the presidential election of 1856, Buchanan's Republican challenger, John C. Frémont, argued against slavery. The Republicans opposed the extension of slavery into the territories. In fact, their slogan was "Free speech, free press, free soil, free men, Frémont and victory!" The Republicans thus crusaded against the Slave Power, warning it was destroying republican values. Democrats counter-crusaded by warning that a Republican victory would bring civil war.

During the presidential election of 1856 what did the Republican Party platform call for?

Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan endorsed popular sovereignty giving the power to determine the legality of slavery to the inhabitants of the territory seeking statehood, rather than to Congress. The Republican Party opposed the extension of slavery into the territories.