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Q: What prevents knot formation in replicating DNA?
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Related questions

Does conjugation replicate DNA?

No, conjugation is a mechanism in bacteria where genetic material is transferred from one cell to another. It is a method of horizontal gene transfer, not replication of DNA like in DNA replication.

Is DNA a self-replicating type of protein?

No. DNA is a self-replicating nucleic acid.

What are advantages of DNA divided into pieces?

What are the advantages of DNA replicating exactly?

What are the advantages of DNA replicating?

DNA replication allows genetic information to be faithfully passed on to daughter cells during cell division, ensuring the continuity of genetic material. It also allows for variation and evolution through mutations and genetic recombination. Additionally, DNA replication provides redundancy, allowing cells to repair damaged DNA and maintain genomic stability.

Mitosis is processed by what?

Mitosis is processed by DNA replicating

Explain tha advantages of DNA replicating exactly?

Besides carrying the information to replicate proteins, it's self replicating.

The enzyme that is responsible for replicating molecules of DNA by attaching complementary bases in the correct sequence is?

DNA polymerase

What is the enzyme that is responsible for replicating molecules of DNA by attaching complementary bases in the correct sequence?

DNA polymerase is the enzyme responsible for replicating DNA by adding complementary nucleotides in the correct sequence during DNA synthesis.

Which activity occurs during the S stage of the cell?

DNA replicating/copying

What is a synonym for plasmid?

A plasmid is essentially extra-chromosomal self-replicating DNA

What DNA is found in the cell nucleus?

there is no DNA in the cell nucleus however the cell nucleus is important to replicating a cell in DNA strand. (it supprots the chromatin that replicates the DNA)

What cell is the nucleus found in?

there is no DNA in the cell nucleus however the cell nucleus is important to replicating a cell in DNA strand. (it supprots the chromatin that replicates the DNA)