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Q: What primary and secondary consumers live in the Ozarks?
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What would happen to the producers and primary consumers of the tertiary and secondary consumers are all gone?

The number of primary consumer will increase and it will eat producers which utlimately leads to distruction of all live forms on the earth

What are examples of primary secondary and tertiary consumers of the desert?

cattail---- mouse-----snake-------hawk Cattails don't live in the desert, they live near water.

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Secondary, tertiary and fifth level consumers, or Apex consumers are the primary residents in the Tundra biome. This includes Arctic foxes, polar bears, caribou, and the snowy owl.

List 2 primary consumers that live in the Sahara desert?

four primary consumers of the sahara desert

Examples of secondary consumers in a grassland?

lions, snakes, badgers, hawk's, prairie dogs, ground squirrel's. are some of the secondary consumers that live in the grasslands.

What secondary consumers live in Africa?

The secondary consumers in the wild African Savannah are the lion, cheetah, Several species of python and snakes, and the Nile crocodile.

Is a platypus a producer consumer or decomposer?

A platypus is a secondary consumer. Secondary consumers are animals that eat primary consumers, and although platypuses do not eat fish, they do eat other primary consumers such as crustaceans, insect larvae and annelid worms.

Which food chain primary consumers live in the Rocky Mountains?


Primary consumers that live in streams get their nutrition from?

plants that fall in the water.

What primary consumers live in streams and rivers?

one main primary consumer in streams and rivers are FISH

What are examples of secondary consumers in grasslands?

caterpillar, worm, plankton, rabbit ,and humans are consumers

What do primary consumers that live under water get their nutrition from?

Plants that fall in the water!