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Q: What principle explains why lifting heavy objects is easier using ramps?
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Is it easier for a tornado to lift heavier objects or lighter objects?

As common sense would suggest, it is easier for them to lift light objects.

What did Archimedes invent and in which year?

He invented the Lifting screw -which lifts water up to a higher level, pulley-which makes lifting heavy objects much easier, Golden Crown, as well as the Catapult,the Burning mirror and the lever The arkamedes screw... 1gameboyc's comment, Wrong! I study Archimedes and he did not invent the lever. The lifting screw is known as the Archimedes screw.. it was invented in the 3rd century

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Not easier because of the quantity or mass of feathers are larger than 40 lbs of lead

Is the definition of lever to make it easier for people to lift heavy objects or open things?

Both, and neither. Both, because levers successfully assist people in lifting heavy objects (which requires force) and opening things (which requires force). Neither, because the definition of a lever has nothing to do with how the theory is used.

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because they are smaller than larger objects

Why does the shaduf have a weight on the end?

to counterbalance the weight of the water bucket and make for easier lifting

Why do ancient people use pulleys?

Because it made work easier, especially lifting.

How does lever help make work easier?

a lever makes work easier in the sense that it help carry a heavy load from the ground in a process called lifting!

How does this principle makes it easier for geologists to understand earths?

I don' t know

What is the advantage of objects?

Grouping objects is an important organizational skill. You should group like objects to keep things orderly and easier to find or understand.