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Q: What principles did calvincoolidge believe would lead to economic growth for the country?
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What principles did Calvin believe would lead to economic growth for the country?

Coolidge believed in trimming the budget, reducing the national debt, and lowering taxes.

What principles did Coolidge believe would lead to economic growth for the country?

Coolidge believed in trimming the budget, reducing the national debt, and lowering taxes.

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Hoover believed that action freely taken by individuals would lead to an economic solution.

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Yes, pride in one's country can still have a place in the modern world. It can help foster a sense of unity, identity, and belonging among citizens. However, it should be balanced with respect for diversity, empathy towards others, and a willingness to work towards global cooperation and understanding.

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There are now almost no countries (except perhaps North Korea and Cuba) that do not basically employ a capitalist economic system. The system of government may be dictatorship or communist but the economic systems have all reverted to capitalistic principles.

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they help people in there country. they believe in gods and godesses besides are own for example the death goddess marzanna

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I believe it is the culture of the people most especially the ties of the family and how the Filipino people think and act in terms of their principles and beliefs.

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It is a less economic country because the states there are mostly farming and only the cities have no farms so it is a less economic country.

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Decisions about the kind of economic system a country has are normally made by that country's government.

What is the focus of the economic persppective?

The focus of economic perspective is economic growth of a country

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the crops may not be grown on that area by this the economic condition of the country goes down and the economic problems will occur in the country.