

What problem stop bees to make honey?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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bees are usually distracted in making honey by human activity, the beekeepers disturb the bees for a good cause to extract the honey from the hive and sell the honey to the store. when a beekeeper comes to take the honey most of the bees go to the beekeeper to sting him, thats why he wears the suit. :D

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Q: What problem stop bees to make honey?
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Bees Stop making honey?

Bees make honey from nectar gathered from flowers. If there are no nectar-bearing flowers available, then the bees can't make honey. Nor will there be any nectar to feed on, so they will feed on their stored honey.

How do you stop bees from eating their own honey or slow it down?

Kill the bees

What bees don't make honey?

Other insects certainly do like honey, if you were to leave a pot of honey out in the garden you'd be sure to find insects feeding on it in no time. This is because its essentially a sugar (or a mix of different sugars) which is in demand in the insect world because of its high energy content. It wouldn't stop at insects though, many animals would like honey for the same reason. It is only honeybees that actually make honey though.

What will happen if bees stop making honey?

we all die we all die

Should humans eat bee's honey?

Yes because if we do not the bees will have to much honey in their nest so they will have to stop making honey and the are always working

Do honey bees make honey?

Yes, bees need honey for their survival. Honey is the bees main source of food during winter months. During warmer seasons, bees usually feast on nectar from flowers. With exception to the Queen who eats "royal jelly". A specially mixed nectar made by her worker bees which contains huge amounts of vitamins, promoting growth and fertility in the Queen. Any nectar that the bees bring back to the hive are stored in little wax cells. Nectar is actually rather watery. But the heat inside the hive and the fanning of cool air by the bees wings helps the nectar to dry, forming honey. Once nectar is dry enough the bees will cover it up with wax to protect it. During colder months when most of the flowers wither and stop producing large amounts of nectar, the bees break open the wax seals on the honeycombs and eat the honey. Honey, due to the high natural sugar content and humid storage, never spoils. So it can be stored in the hive for months. Bees are actually a lot more complex and social than most people realise. They have a complex monarchy system, where the Queen is even fed better food than the rest of the bees. Bees also very carefully ration their honey supplies, so there is always enough to go around. They all have different "jobs" too. Not every bee is a nectar collector. Some bees are assigned to fanning nectar with their wings, others are assigned to babysitting larvae, then there's the Queens personal bodyguard bees, the honeycomb wax sealers, the "guard" bees flying around outside the hive and so on. So, to answer your question, yes. Bees need honey to feed on during cold, winter months. Until the warmer months when they finally leave the hive again to replace all the honey they ate.

In spyro season of ice for game-boy advance how do you get the bees to stop making honey in the marsh?

You blow fire at the hives and then charge over to the 4 flowers.

Why is honey bees a keystone species?

They build damns which can stop the flow of water.

What do bees do with their honey?

Bees need honey for their survival. Honey is the main source of food during winter months for bees. During warmer seasons, bees usually feast on nectar from flowers. With exception to the Queen who eats "royal jelly". A specially mixed nectar made by her worker bees which contains huge amounts of vitamins, promoting growth and fertility in the Queen. Any nectar that the bees bring back to the hive are stored in little wax cells. Nectar is actually rather watery. But the heat inside the hive and the fanning of cool air by the bee's wings helps the nectar to dry, forming honey. Once nectar is dry enough the bees will cover it up with wax to protect it. During colder months when most of the flowers wither and stop producing large amounts of nectar, the bees break open the wax seals on the honeycombs and eat the honey. Honey, due to the high natural sugar content and humid storage, never spoils. So it can be stored in the hive for months. Bees are actually a lot more complex and social than most people realise. They have a complex monarchy system, where the Queen is even fed better food than the rest of the bees. Bees also very carefully ration their honey supplies, so there is always enough to go around. They all have different "jobs" too. Not every bee is a nectar collector. Some bees are assigned to fanning nectar with their wings, others are assigned to babysitting larvae, then there's the Queens personal bodyguard bees, the honeycomb wax sealers, the "guard" bees flying around outside the hive and so on. So, to answer your question, Bees need honey to feed on during cold, winter months. Until the warmer months when they finally leave the hive again to replace all the honey they ate.

How do you stop your cat from chasing bees?

keep it inside where no bees can get in

How do animals help flowers for the earth?

Just think about it if you are in 2nd-6th grade you should know bees help the flowers by pollinating them. They take the honey from the flowers turn it to pollen then they put it on the female flower for it to have baby flowers. Just think about The Bee Movie if you ever watched it. The problem was the plants stop to grow because the bees had so much honey they stoped working. So without bees plants might not even exist animals might die the ones that eat plants and the ones that eat animals that eat plants would die too.Like a chain reaction!

Do bees ever stop flying?

No bees do not stop flying. They can only be placed into a hypnotic state in which they slowly lower to the ground and hover in the same place. You can put a bee into a hypnotic state by taking a plastic bag, filling it with pennies and then fill the rest with warm water. The bees have so many eyes that they will be captivated by the reflection of the pennies in the water and trying to figure out how to release the money from the plastic bag that they will be rendered into a state of confusion. The bees need the money to buy honey so they will stay and watch the money for a long time. The bees are very tired from making honey all of the time so they are excited to see free money. So to answer your question. No. Bees do not stop flying.