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Cotton was a very nutrient-consuming crop. One would often get a terrible cotton yield if one were to use the same land for it year after year, and so often they would have to alternate certain sections and columns of their land every year so the nutrients could grow back.

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Q: What problem was cause by southern farmers in the 1800s growing cotton and tobacco year after year?
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What 1800s practices of southern farmers overworked the land?

growing cash crops such as cotton and tobacco -apex ;)

What geographic factors influenced the development of the Atlantic slave trade?

Some Geographic factors were: the climate of the southern colonies was suited to Growing certain crops like cotton tobacco and sugarcane

When did John Rolfe start growing tobacco in Virginia?

They started growing Tobacco in 1612 but they did not get a final product that could be exported until 1617.

Was tobacco made in the southern colony?

Tobacco was actually grow in the Southern parts of the United States, early on it was tried in the northern States but it was not very successful due to weather and soil conditions. Tobacco was not found in the United States it was actually smuggled out of England by John Rolfe in 1609 when he left England to come to Jamestown VA. (the Oldest known settlement to still be around in the United States). The soil there was perfect for raising Tobacco and the framing of Tobacco flourished throughout that area

How did John Rolfe affect the colony?

Rolfe reacted to consumer demand by importing seed from the West Indies and cultivating the plant in the Jamestown colony. Those tobacco seeds became the seeds of a huge economic empire. By 1630, over a million and a half pounds of tobacco were being exported from Jamestown every year. The tobacco economy rapidly began to shape the society and development of the colony. Growing tobacco takes its toil on the soil. Because tobacco drained the soil of its nutrients, only about three successful growing seasons could occur on a plot of land. Then the land had to lie fallow for three years before the soil could be used again. This created a huge drive for new farmland.

Related questions

What problem was caused by Southern farmers in the 1880s growing cotton and tobacco year after year?

Crops became smaller and lower in quality each year.

What problem was caused southern farmers in the 1880 growing cotton and tobacco year after year?

Crops became smaller and lower in quality each year

What problem was caused by southern farmers in the 1880s growing cotten and tobacco year after year?


What problem was caused by the Southern farmers in the 1880's growing cotton and tobacco year after year?

Crops became smaller and lower in quality each year

What problem was caused by southern farmers in the 1880's growing cotton and tobacco year after year?

Crops became smaller and lower in quality each year

What 1800s practices of southern farmers overworked the land?

growing cash crops such as cotton and tobacco -apex ;)

What 1880s practice southern farmers overworked the land?

Growing cash crops like tobacco and cotton overworked the land.

What 1880s practice of southern farmers overworked land?

Growing cash crops like tobacco and cotton overworked the land.

What 1880s practice of southern farmers overworked the land?

Growing cash crops like tobacco and cotton overworked the land.

What problem was caused by Southerners farmers in the 1880s growing cotton and tobacco year after year?

Crops became smaller and lower in quality each year.

What Activity was common in southern colonies?

growing tobacco

What did farmers grow in the Southern Colonies?

They grew tobacco, rice, and indigo