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The assassination precipitated the fighting of WW1.

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Q: What problems did the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand create?
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Why was the assassination of one person such an impact on create a World War?

Though 'popular' history would like to claim the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was the cause of WW I it is simply not true . There was a concatenation of events that led up to the conflict.

What crisis did the assassination of archduke franz Ferdinand create?

The assassination triggered the "July Crisis". Basically, Germany and Russia tried to negotiate to prevent a war starting; the negotiations lasted for most of July 1914. When the negotiations failed, World War I started.

What is the definition for gavrilo princip?

He was a revolutionary who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. His group, The Black Hand, had planned the attack and wished to create disorder and terror, something they accomplished as the assassination is widely claimed to have started the first World War.

4 The name of the person whose assassination triggered off a series of development that led the world war-1?

Franz Ferdinand and his wife were shot and killed by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Black Hand. They were activists to create a single Serbian nation. Franz Ferdinand was an archduke and heir to the throne of Austria.

How did serbian independence lead to World War 1?

When Serbia gained independence, it started on a quest to create a Slavic empire, which brought them into conflict with the powerful Austro-Hungarian Empire. And that was the conflict that caused the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which in turn caused World War I.

What ambitions did Serbia have in the Balkans?

They wanted to create their own country without A-H interfering. To unite all nationalities in Balkans. (and Nationalism) Assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand for independence.

In Shakespeares play- Brutus's trait that would create problems in assassination plot?

Brutus is so blinded by his love of the country that he doesn't see faults in his assassination plan.

What was the spark that lit the powder keg?

The spark was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In 1908, Austria-Hungary had annexed the largely Slavic province of Bosnia. Serbia had wanted Bosnia to create a Slavic (Eastern European ethnic group) empire. In 1914, Ferdinand was invited by Bosnia's governor to see the army run through maneuvers. A Serbian nationalist group, the Black Hand, made multiple attempts on his life. Gavrilo Princip's was a success. After the assassination, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia. If the smaller nation didn't comply, there would be war. Russia stepped in to aid its fellow Slavic country. It sent troops to its border with Germany, Austria's ally, as a precaution, but Germany took it as a threat and went to war. Events continued to spiral, dragging Belgium, England, France, Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire, Italy, Japan and all of those countries colonies into a world-wide conflict.

Which group was behind the assassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated by the Black Hand. The Black Hand wanted to create a Greater Serbia by violent action and rejected all peaceful means. They drew recruits mainly from the civil service and the military but also attracted teachers, lawyers and doctors. - I Warner Conclution: Black Hand

What nation did Ferdinand and Isabella help to create?

Spain. They ruled Spain.

The assassination of James Garfield helped create support for what?

The Pendelton Civil Service Act.

Where did Ferdinand Verbest create the first ever car?

nope ford did as we know it as a car that is