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Q: What problems do microwaves cause?
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Do microwaves cause any harm?

Microwaves cause radiation, which causes skin cancer...

Do microwaves cause cancer?


What are the risks of microwaves?

Microwaves have the second lowest frequency in the Electromagnetic spectrum, but they still have a high enough frequency to cause health problems. Microwave exposure is linked to causing cancer, brain tumors / Alzheimer's disease and Cellular DNA Damage. Considering this, there are also many advantages of using microwaves, too.

How do microwaves enhance your knowledge?

Cause, aids.

What are some of the known problems with GE Microwaves?

One problem GE microwaves have are a faulty display. The timer displays shows F codes or number codes. Another problem they have is the turntable stops working. One of the biggest problems resulted in a recall of GE microwaves in 2007. The door switch on the units were over heating and causing a potential fire hazard.

Name good or bad things about microwaves?

Microwaves are good for heating things fast. Don't stay near one, it can cause cancer because microwaves work on heating the water in the food, and we are 70% water and it could mess up our cells

What dangers can microwaves do to humans?

Microwaves work by oscillating at the same frequency as boiling water. This causes the water molecules to heat up. Needless to say, since your body is about 70% water, microwaves can cause tissue damage by heating up and damaging cells.

What problems can hard water cause?

they cause no problems

Why are there health concerns about the use of microwaves?

cause they put off radiation witch can damage u

Do normal microwaves use convection?

Not really, microwaves mostly heat up water and if whatever you're heating contains a lot of water, then the heat radiating off that could cause convection.

Does the Air Force really use microwaves or electromagnetic frequency devices to cause people to have heart attacks?


What problems do poor children cause for Ireland?

They cause the same problems American kids. Cause