

What problems does Antarctica have with water?

Updated: 3/31/2020
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9y ago

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Antarctica isn't known for having any problems with water.

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Q: What problems does Antarctica have with water?
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What problems do mining create on Antarctica?

There is no mining in Antarctica: The Antarctic Treaty forbids it.

How do you get out of the water in Antarctica?

If you are in the water in Antarctica, generally, you'd step onto the beach to get out of the water.

Is the water salty tasting or fresh in Antarctica?

The Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica is a salt-water ocean. The ice sheet that covers 98% of Antarctica is frozen fresh water.

What are the bodies of water in Antarctica?

the bodies of Antarctica is lake voston

Is there water under nearly all of Antarctica?

No, Antarctica is a continent.

What are the chemicals that consist of Antarctica?

Antarctica is a continent covered in ice, which as you may know is frozen water, also known as H2O. You could therefore say that Antarctica consists of water, but you could not say that water consists of Antarctica. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

Is water found around Antarctica fresh water or salt?

Antarctica is surrounded by a salt-water sea: the Southern Ocean.

What problems does the climate in Antarctica cause the humans?

Antarctica's extreme climate can kill any animal, including humans.

How much of the earths water is stored in Antarctica?

Antarctica's ice sheet contains about 70% of the earth's fresh water.

What about using Antarctica fresh water for the rest of the world?

Because Antarctica needs fresh water too!

What problems do the animals have in Antarctica?

Animals don't typically have 'problems' as we humans have problems. There are no endangered species breeding on Antarctica's beaches, and the food chain among the animals means that some animals are consumed by other animals as food.

What 2 water forms in Antarctica?

Any water in Antarctica forms into ice, either sea ice or fresh-water ice.