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You can never get a felony off your record normally. But you can get a pardon, which doesn't erase the record but by law entitiles you to be treated as if you didn't have one. You would apply to the Governor's Office or an agency created especially for that purpose.

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Q: What procedures do you need to get a felony off your record in the state of Texas Its a 3rd degree felony Any information will be grateful?
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They can prosecute for a third degree felony.

Can i get a bachelor's degree with a felony?

You can earn a bachelor's degree even if you have a felony.

What are the categorization of felony?

This can vary slightly by state (from highest punishment to lowest): * Capital Felony * First Degree Felony * Second Degree Felony * Third Degree Felony * State Jail Felony (different states name this differently).

Does CA restore civil rights is a felony is expunged?

California does have a provision for expungement. See the below link for further information on its requirements and procedures.

Is it possible to have a felony charge removed from your record in VA?

Virginia does have expungement procedures - they are very specific and complicated. See below link for further information:

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3rd degree felony

Is domestic violence a felony in Ohio?

First conviction is a first degree misdemeanor and second conviction is a fifth degree felony.

Is a first degree felony worst then a second degree felony?

The most severe is the First Degree Felony, which consists of murder, rape, etc. The higher the degree numerically [2nd, 3rd, 4th etc] the lower the severity.

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What is the difference between first degree murder and first degree felony murder?

Nothing is different between 1st degree murder and 1st degree felony murder. The only difference is the addition of the word "felony". In fact, both are the same crime and both are felonies, so "1st degree felony murder" is a redundant term.

In Michigan is a fourth degree sex offense a felony?

Yes, fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct in Michigan is classified as a felony. It is considered the least serious of the criminal sexual conduct degrees, but is still a felony offense punishable by imprisonment.

Is second degree vehicular involuntary manslaughter a felony?

Involuntary Manslaughter is in fact a Felony.