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Q: What process can be primarily affected by gallbladder disease?
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What disease process might be seen with right upper quadrant pain that radiates into the right back at the shoulder with associated flatulence?

Cholecystitis: Inflammation of the gallbladder.

How does the gallbladder help in the digestive process?

Gallbladder is a small organ but has a very huge part in the digestion process of a human body. The liver located near the Gallbladder, excretes fluid that helps the Gallbladder tear down the fats.

What is gallbladder irrigation?

The process by which the gallbladder is emptied by a urinary catheter and washed ( irrigated ) via some special solutions.

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What is the appearance of a fetal pig gallbladder?

The appearance of a fetal pig gallbladder is usually dark colored. It is used to process liquid waste materials from feeding.

What characteristics does an abnormal gallbladder nuclear medicine scan have?

A normal scan shows a gallbladder without gallstones. There will be no evidence of growths or tumors, and no signs of infection or swelling. The normal gallbladder fills with bile and secretes it through the bile duct without blockages.

If the gallbladder was removed due to gallstones. can still live without a gallbladder?

Yes we can. Removal of the gallbladder does not mean the patient cannot continue to have a normal life. However - a change in diet to a low-fat alternative would be advisable - as the bile produced by the gallbladder is used to process fat in our diet.

What cell is involved primarily in the tanning process?

The cells involved primarily in the tanning process are called melanocytes

Which autoimmuine disease attacks the digestive system?

Celiac disease is an auoimmune disease that attacks the digestive system, specificall the small intestine. It is also known as celiac sprue. The body's immune system responds to the presence of gluten, an ingredient in many grains, and damages the intestine in the process. also: lupus erythematosus is one aswell

What is an emulsifier made by the liver from cholesterol and stored in the gallbladder?

Bile is a fat emulsifier that is made by the liver and is stored in the gallbladder. It is considered part of the mechanical digestion process of digestion.(Bile is NOT an enzyme)

What happen if a gallbladder stops working?

A person's gallbladder may stop working for a variety of reasons. Namely, it may be filled with stones or infected. If this is the case, the person will want to have their gallbladder removed so it does not cause them pain.

What is the disease process?

WHICH disease process? Diseases vary by far, and some of them are nothing alike