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Q: What process can change igneous rock into sediment?
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What process will turn an igneous rock into a sediment?


What process can lead to igneous rock becoming sedimentary rock?

When igneous rocks are crushed and compacted into sediment

How can a igneous rocks change into a sedimentary rock?

Sedimentary rocks can change to igneous rock when it goes through the rock cycle so a sediment can move to igneous rock where there is a volcanic activity happens making the the sediment get heat and pressure that makes igneous rock.So when you do the rock cycle you can go from igneous rock to a metamorphic rock.

How can you change a igneous rock into a sedimentary rock?

The igneous rock must be broken down into fragments called sediment and somehow cemented together.

What the rock cycle describe?

The rock cycle describes how rocks are formed, and how they change to sedimentary rock, to metamorphic rock, to magma, to igneous rock, to sediment, and back to sedimentary rock.

What process does igneous rock have to go through to be formed into sediment?

The igneous rock must be exposed to weathering, whether it be chemical weathering, or mechanical weathering.

Is burial of sediment which makes the igneous rocks?

Burial of sediment does not make igneous rock.

What process can change igneous rock into metamorphic rock?

The process is; heat, and pressure.

How does igneous rock change to sedimentary?

Sedimentary rock melts, then it cools to form Igneous rock. Hoped this helped. :)

What type of rock can change into an igneous rock?

Igneous rocks can change into metamorphic rocks from great heat and pressure as all other rocks can, melt into magma, the molten rock, and erode into sediment, which are rock fragments.

What processes must occur to change any rock to igneous rock?

The process that must occur to change any rock to igneous rock is melting.

What can transform igneous rock into sedimentary rock?

Igneous rock can become sedimentary if it is weathered into sediment and then lithified.