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acquired characteristics

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13y ago

the prosses is mitosis

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hahahahaa!! Like i no

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Q: What process is necessary for the inherited traits of an organism to be passed along by sexual reproduction?
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Which body system allows organisms to continue as a species?

This is the reproductive process (reproduction), by which living things make copies of themselves, or create offspring, so that the species continues after the death of the original organism.

Why are only inherited traits not acquired one necessary for the process of natural selection?

Because the offspring of an organism with a desirable inherited trait is more likely to survive than the offspring of an organism with a desirable acquired trait (because the offspring of an organism with a desirable acquired trait will not have its parent's desirable trait).

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Which process in a multicellular organism is similar to the process of asexual reproduction in bacteria?

The process of mitosis.

The formation of new organisms are called?

Reproduction is the process of producing a new individual organism.

What process uses a body cell to create a new organism?

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What is the reproductive process that involves two parents?

Sexual reproduction is a process that creates a new organism by combining the genetic material of two organisms. Sexual reproduction is the primary reproduction for most organisms.

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What asexual reproduction process involves an organism growing a duplicate of itself on its bod?

This process is called budding.

What life activity is not required for the survival of an individual organism in cells?

Remote communication like texting or emailing is not required for the survival of an individual organism at the cellular level. These activities are more related to social interaction and technology rather than basic biological functions within cells.

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