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The process used to turn a liquid into a solid is called freezing. When a liquid is cooled to its freezing point, the molecules slow down and come together in an orderly arrangement to form a solid.

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Q: What process is used to turn a liquid into a solid?
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What process is used to turn liquid oils into more highly saturated solid fats?

This process is hydrogenation.

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What i the energy transfer when changing between solid and liquid?

The energy transfer when changing from solid to liquid (melting) is called latent heat of fusion. This energy is used to break the bonds holding the solid together and turn it into a liquid. The energy is stored as potential energy in the liquid until the reverse process (solidification) occurs.

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i dont know dont ask me

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What is used to separate insoluble solids from the liquid in a solid liquid mixturte?

Filtration is commonly used to separate insoluble solids from a liquid in a solid-liquid mixture. The mixture is poured through a filter paper, which traps the solid particles while allowing the liquid to pass through.

What is the name of the equipment to remove solid from liquid in science?

The equipment used to remove solid particles from a liquid in science is called a filter or a filtration system. This process involves passing the liquid through a barrier that traps the solid particles, allowing the filtered liquid to pass through.

Does decanting separate a solid from a liquid?

Decanting is not typically used to separate a solid from a liquid. It is a process used to separate a liquid from a solid, often by carefully pouring off the liquid while leaving the solid behind in the container. To separate a solid from a liquid, techniques like filtration or centrifugation are usually more effective.

What is sublimation used for?

sublimation is a process in which a solid is directly converted to its vapour phase without facing liquid phase.

What is the process of passing liquid through a porous filter called?

The process of passing liquid through a porous filter is called filtration. This method is used to separate solid particles from liquid by trapping them in the filter while allowing the liquid to pass through.

What is it when solid chsnges into a liquid?

There are several names for when a solid changes to a liquid. Usually, melting of a solid occurs when heat is used near the solid and it changes it to a liquid.

What is the process used to turn liquid oils into more highly saturated solid fats?

The process used is called hydrogenation, where hydrogen gas is bubbled through the liquid oils at high temperatures in the presence of a catalyst. This results in the addition of hydrogen atoms to the fatty acid chains, converting unsaturated fats into saturated fats and increasing their melting point.