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External respiration. On the other hand, if the exchange occurs between the blood and tissues, then it's referred to as internal respiration.

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Q: What process is when O2 and CO2 pass from the aveoli into the blood system?
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What is the purpose of the aveoli?

The alveoli are the sites of gas exchange in the lungs. They are round and numerous, so the surface area is maximised for increased volumes of oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass through. Their membranes are very thin, and they are surrounded by a network of capillaries to further increase the efficiency of the gas exchange process.

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The brochiole's function is to allow oxygen to pass into the aveoli (air sacks covered in capillaries) where the oxygen can then enter your blood stream.

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Absorption is the process

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The definition of absorption in the digestive tract is is the process by which nutrient molecules pass through the wall of your digestive system onto your blood

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What passes from the air inside the air sac into the blood?

The main purpose of this is to get oxygen into the cells of the body where it can be used in the process of respiration to generate energy from glucose. Other chemicals such as nicotine can also easily pass through the thin walls of these air sacs (aveoli) as can viruses and microorganisms. Hope that helps Diesel 'Danger' Nutkins

By what process does blood pass into the blood?

Oxygen passes into the blood from diffusion in the alveoli of the lungs.If you're asking where blood is made, it's made in bone marrow.

What are air sacs in the lungs also called?

There should never be "air bubbles" in the lungs. This would be an abnormal finding AND a life and death emergency. An air bubble that travels in the blood stream to the heart, lungs, or brain is an air embolism.IF however you mean the sacs in the lungs that exchange (through the hemoglobin on red blood cells) carbon dioxide for oxygen, those grape-like structures are called aveoli. Aveoli are NOT "air bubbles" though. Numerous small blood vessels cover the outside of each aveoli. The Hgb releases oxygen to the aveoli; the aveoli then pass carbon dioxide back to the Hgb. The Hgb on the red blood cells cannot pick up the O2, until the Hgb lets go of the CO2. Because the aveoli are round and there are many of them, they have high surface area. One breath supplies enough O2 while exhaling the CO2.

Where does the oxygen pass into the blood in the breathing system?

In the capillaries surrounding the alveoli in the lungs

What happens when you take out the circulatory system out of your body?

you will die because that system helps blood pass through your body and that system has your heart in it.