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Q: What process makes deltas?
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What word is given to process that formed deltas?

the word for that is deposition

What process and what force forms deltas?

water ice wind

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What is the process that directly cause deltas to form?

the word for that is deposition

What are deltas examples of?

There are many types of deltas: River-dominated deltas - Mississippi. Wave-dominated deltas - Nile. Tide-dominated deltas - Ganges.

How are dunes and deltas alike?

Deltas and dunes are alike in a couple ways. One way is that they were both formed by the process of moving sand. Another way is that they can be both found near, under, or above water.

Who is deltas manager?

who is deltas manager

Deltas form where?

Deltas form at the mouth of rivers.

Where do deltas form?

Deltas form at the mouth of rivers.

What deltas located in South America?

The deltas that are located in South America are the American Airline type deltas and other types of deltas are also located around South America.

Deltas are built up by .?

Deposition build up deltas.

Why deltas are named so?

River deltas are called deltas because they tend to be a triangle shape like the greek letter delta