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Q: What process will most likely chemically weather an Iron -rich rock?
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What process will most likely chemical weather on iron-rich rocks?

Corrosion will most likely chemically weather an iron-rich rock.

How does a hot iron press out wrinkles chemically?

A hot iron does not chemically press out wrinkles. This is a physical process. The fiber of the material being ironed which is full of wrinkles, and it responds to the heat and/or steam generated by the iron. This makes the fibers more pliable and soft(er), and with the weight of the iron and the back and forth motion, it flattens the wrinkle.

Is magnetization of iron a chemical reaction?

No, magnetization is not a chemical reaction. Magnetic iron and non-magnetic iron are chemically the same substance. Magnetization is a process of alignment of atomic magnetic fields, which is a purely physical change, not a chemical change.

Hematite is a variety of iron ore. What is the other element joined with iron in the ore?

It is oxygen that is chemically combined with the iron to form iron(III) oxide. That iron oxide, which is Fe2O3, is what is in hematite, and that's what we want to recover and process. A link can be found below.

What is a mxture of iron fillings and sulfur will make the iron and sulfur atoms combine chemically?

iron sulfide

Do iron and magnesium oxide react chemically?

No. Iron cannot displace Magnesium from Magnesium oxide

Are iron and iron ore the same?

Iron ore is a mineral that contains iron that can be extracted. Iron is a substance that is chemically pure and has one set of chemical properties.

Is molding of iron into iron pipes a physical or a chemical change?

It is a physical change, because a section of pipe would react the same chemically as the original iron would. You can crush or melt the pipe back into the formless mass of iron that you started with.

What compound is created when iron and oxygen mix?

Iron and oxygen combine chemically to form iron oxide, also known as rust.

Why is the change from iron to rust considered a chemical change?

The reason that rust is considered a chemical change is because the "connections" or the bonds of atoms are changed in the process. When atoms "rearrange themselves" by changing the "connections" or bonds to allow different compounds to be formed, as is the case with the formation of rust, a chemical change has taken place. In iron, the iron atoms are arranged in a metallic crystalline matrix. When rust occurs, oxygen bonds to the iron atoms (which where not chemically bonded to anything before) to create an oxide of iron.

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Which of the following is an example of a solution Iron metal, iron ore, iron alloy, iron rust?

An iron alloy (Explanation): Iron metal is a pure substance, so it cannot be a solution, so it's not that one. An iron ore is found in nature and is iron chemically combined with other substances, so it's not a mixture because mixtures aren't chemically combined. Iron rust is also chemically combined iron with oxygen, so it's not a mixure. Therefore, the iron alloy is the correct answer (btw, an alloy is where you heat the metal to a liquid and mix in other metals like zinc to make pennies and stuff)