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Q: What processs occurs when bits of rock are carried away by flowing water?
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What process occurs when bits of rocks are carried away by flowing water?


What happen to the soil carried away or eroded by flowing water?

the earth was broken

What kind of erosion occurs when water flowing as a sheet caries away sediment?

Sheet erosion.

What occurs during erosion?

rocks and minerals are carried around by either wind, water, or ice

What is a Placer deposits?

A placer is where gold or silver being carried with the sand by flowing water gathers in a low spot in the river bed.

What does flowing water create that contains giant mazes of gullies?

Rill erosion is runoff flowing water creating giant mazes of gullies. Rill erosion occurs in areas of high precipitation on land with low absorption..

Where is the velocity greatest with a stream with meanders?

On the outside. This is because when the water is flowing around a meander, the water practically goes around, where erosion occurs. If you know science, wherever in a stream where erosion occurs, thats where the velocity is greatest.

How do clay particles move along the river?

Clay particles are very fine grained and light weight, so easily carried along by flowing water.

How can you use abrupt in a sentence?

A waterfall occurs when naturally flowing water undergoes an abrupt change in distance above sea level.

Does mars have flowing water on it?

mars has flowing water on it

What does flowing water have in a river?

Flowing water has kinetic energy

What do you think changes the land more frozen water or flowing water?

flowing,because frozen water is soild and people wouldnt surivie without flowing water