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I believe it is Meiosis that produces new cells with each having half as many chromosomes as the original parent cells.

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Q: What produces new cells with each having half as many chromosomes as the origianal cells?
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What produces new cells with each having half as many chromosomes as the original cell?

Meiosis produces new cells with each having half as many chromosomes as the original cell. It is a type of cellular division that is also referred to as a reduction cell division.

What produces cell with half the normal number of chromosomes?

the answer is MEIOSIS meiosis produces 4 single cells with half member of the chromosomes mitosis produces 2 cells with full member of the chromosomes

Is meiosis or mitosis that produces new cells with each having half as many chromosomes as the original cell?


What produces cells with half the chromosomes?


What are the main differences between meiosis and mitosis division?

Mitosis produces cells with 46 chromosomes while meiosis produces cells with only half the chromosomes, 23.

When chromosomes replicate they produce?

when the chromosomes are replicated the cells were about to divide into 2 cells (mitosis)

What produces with half the normal number of chromosome?

the answer is MEIOSIS meiosis produces 4 single cells with half member of the chromosomes mitosis produces 2 cells with full member of the chromosomes

What produces cells with half normal number of chromosomes?

Meiosis is a form of cell division that produces four daughter cells that are haploid (have half the number of chromosomes found in a normal/somatic cell). Meiosis is involved in sexual reproduction, and produces gametes (sperm and ovum/egg).

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spermatogenesis produces 4 sperm cells and oogenisis produces one ovum. Both have 23 chromosomes each

What produces cells that have half normal number of chromosomes found in body cells?

Meiosis, the division of sex cells, produces cells with half the number of chromosomes found in body cells. This is for a very simple reason - when a male sex cell and a female sex cell combine, they form one cell with the full number of chromosomes.

Meiosis produces cells that?

half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell

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How many chromosomes will be in each cell